Normal heart function on heart pumping is measured in percentage of contractility. Normal heart pumping function is 50% or above. Heart pumping / functioning reduces by various reasons. Like heart attacks where after heart attack, heart muscle dies & heart function goes down. Less than 30% heart pumping function is considered to be poor / low heart function, usually occur of one major or multiple heart attacks. It can also occur in advanced heart valve disease, Long standing hypertension, heart defects, etc., causing heart failure. If heart failure is because of heart attacks then usually coronary bypass surgery is advised or beneficial. In poor heart function when heart pumping reduces to less than 30%, It becomes high risk heart surgery and requires special expertise to do “ Coronary artery bypass surgery in this subject of patients.
Dr. Pavan Kumar, Senior heart surgery with experience of 29 years has performed CABG in more than 1000 cases of “ Low heart function” ‘ poor heart function “ of less than 30% heart pumping successfully with less than 1% risk. CABG in poor heart function is a successful treatment to improve heart function & reduce chances of further heart attack .
To contact a CABG in poor ejection fraction hearts (Poor heart pumping) specialist write to info@drpavankumar.in or call 9820160600.