Coronary endarterectomy is a special procedure during coronary bypass surgery, introduced in 1970’s. This procedure is used in 100% occluded coronary artery or diffusely diseased coronary arteries where it is impossible to provide new blood flow via conduits.
In coronary endarterectomy procedure , Internal layers of coronary artery is cored out by special equipment’s & internal lumen is restored where new blood flow can reach to heart muscles in this 100% occluded vessels. This endarterectomy procedure requires special skills to perform it successfully.
Dr pavan kumar Sr. cardiac surgeon in Mumbai with experience of 28 years of heart surgery has special expertise learned in Sweden to perform this endarterectomy successfully in over 2000 cases of coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG). Dr. Pavan Kumar – Heart surgeon from Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai, India is known for his expertise in carrying out multiple endarterectomy procedures in multiple coronary arteries with excellent patency rates over long term beyond ten years after surgery.
To contact a Coronary endarterectomy specialist write to info@drpavankumar.in or call 9820160600.