What is Myxoma ?
Myxoma is a noncancerous tumor that arises from connective tissue, the tissue that connects and supports other tissues all over the body. myxoma are found in the heart.
Myxoma is benign cardiac Tumor. Cardiac Tumor are 1% of all body tumor benign or Malignant. All cardiac tumors 95-97% cases are Myxoma Tumors. They arise in any of the four chambers of heart, most commonly left atrium, it is called Left Atrial myxomas. Sometimes they may be present in more than one chambers of heart. Common presentation symptoms are low grade fever, fainting attacks or breathlessness or embolic episodes where they get dislodged to different parts of body.
What causes a myxoma ?
Benign tumor occur when cells in the body grow & divide at an excessive rate, without invading other tissues. In general there is no clear underlying cause. Oftenly it is combination of genetic and environmental risk factors can contribute to the development of myxoma.
Signs & symptoms of myxoma –
Clinically presentations of myxoma can vary widely depending on the location & size of the tumor.
- fainting
- build up a blood in the lungs / excess fluid in lungs
- dyspnea , difficulty in breathing, pulmonary edema
- enlargement of liver & spleen
- swelling of legs ( edema)
- brain stroke
- atrial fibrillation
Diagnosis - is by Echo cardiography & cardiac MRI.
Treatment - Treatment is surgical excision by open heart surgery. Surgery is highly successful & recurrence rate is very low < 1% . Important observation & guidance is that once the diagnosis is made of presence of Myxoma Tumor, It should be operated as early as possible to avoid high chances of breaking & embolisation of this fragile / Jelly like tumor which can cause serious complications like paralysis.
To contact a Myxoma specialist Write to info@drpavankumar.in or call 9820160600.
specialist Write to info@drpavankumar.in or call 9820160600.